Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan 2018–2023 – Preventing Disability sets out our goals for five years.

  1. All Yukoners participate in a culture of safety and prevention of physical and psychological injury.

  2. Injured workers recover successfully and sustainably.

  3. WSCB stakeholder relationships are positive and strong.

  4. Yukon employers and workers know and understand their rights and responsibilities under the legislation we administer, and they work with WSCB to fulfill those rights and responsibilities.

  5. WSCB consistently demonstrates corporate excellence and is a leader in complying with the acts, regulations, policies and directives that govern its operations.

Associated objectives and tactics outline how we will work to achieve these goals.

We encourage you to read through the plan to learn how we intend to deliver on our commitment to our core mandate: preventing disability.

The Board of Directors would like to thank the key stakeholders, staff and Executive Committee who contributed to the development of the plan.