Application for explosives magazine storage and use permit

This information is being collected for the purposes of administering and enforcing the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Act and is collected under the authority of that Act and the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions about the collection of this information, please contact the Privacy Officer at WSCB at the above listed address or at (867)667-5645 or 1-800-661-0443.

Mine Information

Mailing Address

Location of Magazine(s)

Attach scaled plan of property showing claim names, roads, mine workings, plant area, camp area, dwellings, and magazines)

Explosives Magazine

The most kg of explosives that will be kept in the magazine.
How many meters is the closest road or work area
How many meters is the nearest dwelling or flammable materials storage area

Detonator Magazine

The most number of detonators that will be kept in the magazine.
How many meters is the closest road or work area
How many meters is the nearest dwelling or flammable materials storage area

Signature, consent and declaration