Programming for schools

We believe that learning about safety at home, at school and at play gives children a foundation for preventing injuries throughout their lives. We offer class visits adapted to students’ interests, learning styles and levels.

Request a class visit

To request a class visit, email and specify which program you are interested in.


Susie the safety squirrel

  • Grades K to 1
  • Students meet Susie the safety squirrel, share what they do to be kind and how it feels when others are kind. Students play kindness charades and listen to a story about kindness. Students learn how kindness can help keep us safe.
  • 30 to 45 minutes

Kindness works

  • Grades 2 to 5
  • Students discuss what kindness means and how kindness feels. They learn about kindness science, learn new kind words and play a kind game. Students watch a short film about how being kind can build resiliency. Students learn how kindness can help keep us safe.
  • 45 to 60 minutes

Safety build

  • Grades 1 to 5
  • Students discuss what they do to keep healthy and safe in their lives. They build LEGO models to depict potentially dangerous situations at school, at home or outdoors and what they can do to keep safe.
  • Students share their builds and discuss why making healthy and safe choices is important for everyone.
  • Teachers can request a Safety Build classroom kit with lesson ideas, story template and a set of LEGO bricks for each student.
  • 60 to 90 minutes

Head first

  • Grades 4 to 6
  • Students learn about concussions, brain anatomy basics and use a Jell-O brain to understand what happens to the brain when a concussion occurs. They learn how to prevent concussions and what they should do if they think they have one.
  • 90 minutes

Safety Online

  • Grade 6 or 9
  • Students learn about common reactions to bullying, how it affects them and some ways to become an “upstander.” 
  • They discuss scientists’ recommendations on time spent online and alternatives that might make us happier.
  • Older students learn about common reactions to cyberbullying, as well as how they are affected by their digital footprints.
  • 60 to 80 minutes depending on grade

Mental Wellness

  • Grade 8 or 12
  • Students discuss what mental health is, what they are doing to take care of their mental health and how they feel when they don’t.
  • They learn about the benefits and timing of eating, sleeping and exercising. They learn about the negative effects of spending too much time online.
  • They learn about tools to maintain positive mental well-being and find out where to seek help in Yukon.
  • Older students learn about developing empathy for themselves and taking care of their mental health as they transition to living independently.
  • Two 60-minute classes

Work shouldn’t hurt

  • Grade 10
  • Students learn why young workers are more likely to be injured than older, more experienced workers. They learn how young workers are injured. They learn about common workplace hazards and how to mitigate them. They learn about their workplace rights and responsibilities and how the workers’ compensation system supports injured workers.
  • 2 hours

Risky Business

  • Grade 10 to 12
  • Students learn how to identify hazards, manage risks and evaluate how to mitigate hazards.
  • Students discuss risk tolerance and the importance of considering all risks to keep safe at school, at home, at work and at play.
  • 90 minutes

More information

To order classroom resources or for any general inquires please email us.

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